ICCC Merit Based Scholarship

ICCC Merit Based Scholarship
Annual $1,000 renewable scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are of Italian descent

General Policies and Procedures
The ICCC awards annual $1,000 renewable scholarships to graduating high school seniors who are of Italian descent, to any degree on either side of parentage, and who submit complete applications by the specified deadline. Recipients are chosen by the Scholarship Committee based on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. It is a great honor to receive a scholarship that is applied to the student’s college tuition ($500 in the Fall and $500 in the Spring). The recipient may apply for a renewal of the scholarship every spring (renewal applications are due by July 1 of each year) for a period totaling four years. This is a total of three renewals after the initial award. Renewals are only awarded for consecutive fall/spring semester during the four year period of eligibility. To qualify for scholarship renewal, the student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a minimum semester total of 12 hours.

Information is emailed through our weekly eblasts and shared on our social media platforms and made available to ICCC members as well as the general public who request applications.

Completed applications are due in the ICCC office on the date stated on the application. The deadline is strictly observed.

An assigned ICCC staff member will review each application as it is received to ensure that the application has been properly completed. In the case of Merit Only Scholarship Applications, the staff member will confirm whether or not the applicants’ parents or grandparents have been active members for at least the past two years. When the application is considered complete, and the applicant deemed qualified, a copy of the original is made but the applicant’s name, as well as all references to his/her name, will be removed and replaced with a code number. The staff member will keep a master list so that codes can be matched with names once a recipient is chosen.

For Merit Only Scholarship (ICCC Members Only):

At a meeting of the Scholarship Committee, the committee selects applicants who have a reasonable prediction of success in college, as determined from their SAT/ACT scores, class rank, high school GPA, at the top 10 percentile of graduating class, awards and honors, extracurricular activities, community involvement, letters of recommendations and the narrative essay. Once reasonable success in college is predicted, the essay regarding what it means to the applicant to be an Italian American or the essay regarding what it means to the applicant to be a member of the ICCC is evaluated. If during a Scholarship Committee meeting, any Committee member becomes aware, in any way, that his/her relative is an applicant, the Committee member must remove himself/herself from the selection process for that year.
Once the Committee selects its recipients, the Chairperson identifies them to the Board of Directors. The recipient of the scholarship is then notified by a letter, which describes the procedure for awarding the scholarship. All checks are sent directly to the university’s financial office. The scholarship recipient must furnish the ICCC office with his/her University’s name, the University’s mailing address, his/her student ID number, and his/her social security number so that the funds are not misdirected. The foregoing information will be contained in the body of the check and it is the scholarship recipient’s obligation to ensure that it is provided to the ICCC office in a timely manner. Upon receipt of a copy of the recipient’s fall registration, a check for five hundred dollars ($500) will be sent for the fall semester and, upon receipt of a copy of the recipient’s spring registration, another five hundred dollar check ($500) will be sent for the spring semester.
